Hi i use wireshark to review PCAP files and do not need to actually capture packets. I cannot get winpcap to run (win10 + endpoint encryption) and I cannot incstall npcap in my environment. how can i run wireshark and have it skip "loading module preferences"? my current install just hangs and prevents me from looking at pcap files asked 12 Oct '17, 05:11 SharkWhatWhat edited 12 Oct '17, 09:14 grahamb ♦ |
That sounds strange. Is WinPcap installed or not? If no packet capturing library is installed, Wireshark should start in the "file only" mode as you expect. Installed USBPcap and unfavourable circumstances can break this rule, but in such case Wireshark normally freezes at other stage than "loading module preferences".
Thanks! Winpcap is currently installed. but WS hangs on "loading module preferences" other forum answers lead to the protection software being used on my PC. I'd like to know if i can start WS and have it ignore winpcap so i can view a file i have locally.
Try to uninstall WinPcap. As you cannot use it anyway, uninstalling it should make sure whether Wireshark doesn't freeze waiting for a response from WinPcap which never comes. I don't know any softer way of making Wireshark "ignore WinPcap".