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Suspected Retransmissions disappear when Absolute Sequence Numbers used.


Hi all you Sharkies...

I had an interesting occurrence yesterday. I opened up a trace file and roughly half of the 500+ packets were marked as Suspected Retransmissions. I looked at a few of them closely, and I could not see any reason for the "suspicion" :-).

Then, on a whim, I unchecked "Relative sequence numbers" and all of those Suspected Retransmission warnings went away. And then, being curious, I re-checked "Relative sequence numbers", but the Suspected Retransmissions did NOT reappear, even after closing and re-opening the trace file.

So, it's a non-issue for me now, but I wondered if anyone else has seen this, and thought maybe I should mention it in this forum.

I'm using Version 2.2.7 (v2.2.7-0-g1861a96).



asked 25 Oct '17, 06:27

feenyman99's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

One Answer:


That sounds like a bug. Please file it on the Wireshark Bugzilla, and attach a trace file that shows this behavior. (You can mark the bug as private if you don't want the trace file to be public.)

answered 25 Oct '17, 10:46

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%