ssl_init found host entry,6004,http,F:\HDM310_6003\weblogic92\server\lib\ssl\server\server-PRIVATE--RSA.key
ssl_init addr '' port '6004' filename 'F:\HDM310_6003\weblogic92\server\lib\ssl\server\server-PRIVATE--RSA.key' password(only for p12 file) '(null)'
Private key imported: KeyID 5D:C6:6A:C8:DF:2C:C8:9B:96:BA:03:E9:50:53:1D:D5:...
ssl_init private key file F:\HDM310_6003\weblogic92\server\lib\ssl\server\server-PRIVATE--RSA.key successfully loaded
association_add TCP port 6004 protocol http handle 040AD350
dissect_ssl enter frame #24 (first time)
ssl_session_init: initializing ptr 055025A8 size 564
association_find: TCP port 2059 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
dissect_ssl server
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 116
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 111 ssl, state 0x00
association_find: TCP port 2059 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 1 offset 5 length 107 bytes, remaining 116
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found CLIENT RANDOM -> state 0x01
dissect_ssl enter frame #25 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 106
dissect_ssl3_record found version 0x0301 -> state 0x11
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 58 ssl, state 0x11
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 2 offset 5 length 54 bytes, remaining 63
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found SERVER RANDOM -> state 0x13
ssl_restore_session can't find stored session
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello found CIPHER 0x0004 -> state 0x17
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello trying to generate keys
ssl_generate_keyring_material not enough data to generate key (0x17 required 0x37 or 0x57)
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello can't generate keyring material
record: offset = 63, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
ssl_change_cipher SERVER
record: offset = 69, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 198 offset 74 length 11165230 bytes, remaining 106
dissect_ssl enter frame #27 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 2059 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
ssl_change_cipher CLIENT
record: offset = 6, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2059 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 43 offset 11 length 8390811 bytes, remaining 43
dissect_ssl enter frame #28 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
dissect_ssl enter frame #30 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
dissect_ssl enter frame #31 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 3572
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 3567 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2059 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2059 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #33 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 229
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 224 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #34 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 524
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 524
dissect_ssl enter frame #35 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1048
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1048
dissect_ssl enter frame #36 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1379
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1379
dissect_ssl enter frame #38 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1562
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 1534 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
record: offset = 1539, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #40 (first time)
conversation = 055022D0, ssl_session = 055025A8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2059 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #45 (first time)
ssl_session_init: initializing ptr 055031D8 size 564
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
dissect_ssl server
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 116
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 111 ssl, state 0x00
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 1 offset 5 length 107 bytes, remaining 116
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found CLIENT RANDOM -> state 0x01
dissect_ssl enter frame #46 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 106
dissect_ssl3_record found version 0x0301 -> state 0x11
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 58 ssl, state 0x11
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 2 offset 5 length 54 bytes, remaining 63
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found SERVER RANDOM -> state 0x13
ssl_restore_session can't find stored session
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello found CIPHER 0x0004 -> state 0x17
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello trying to generate keys
ssl_generate_keyring_material not enough data to generate key (0x17 required 0x37 or 0x57)
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello can't generate keyring material
record: offset = 63, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
ssl_change_cipher SERVER
record: offset = 69, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 82 offset 74 length 6702603 bytes, remaining 106
dissect_ssl enter frame #48 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
ssl_change_cipher CLIENT
record: offset = 6, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 217 offset 11 length 3817121 bytes, remaining 43
dissect_ssl enter frame #49 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
dissect_ssl enter frame #51 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
dissect_ssl enter frame #52 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 3615
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 3610 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #54 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 382
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 377 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #55 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 484
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 479 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #57 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 380
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 375 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #58 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 172
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 167 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #59 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 494
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 489 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #61 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
dissect_ssl enter frame #62 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1759
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 1754 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #64 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 178
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 173 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #66 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2061 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #67 (first time)
conversation = 05502F00, ssl_session = 055031D8
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #75 (first time)
ssl_session_init: initializing ptr 05504148 size 564
association_find: TCP port 2063 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
dissect_ssl server
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 116
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 111 ssl, state 0x00
association_find: TCP port 2063 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 1 offset 5 length 107 bytes, remaining 116
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found CLIENT RANDOM -> state 0x01
dissect_ssl enter frame #76 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 106
dissect_ssl3_record found version 0x0301 -> state 0x11
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 58 ssl, state 0x11
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 2 offset 5 length 54 bytes, remaining 63
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found SERVER RANDOM -> state 0x13
ssl_restore_session can't find stored session
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello found CIPHER 0x0004 -> state 0x17
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello trying to generate keys
ssl_generate_keyring_material not enough data to generate key (0x17 required 0x37 or 0x57)
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello can't generate keyring material
record: offset = 63, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
ssl_change_cipher SERVER
record: offset = 69, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 178 offset 74 length 8692811 bytes, remaining 106
dissect_ssl enter frame #78 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 2063 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
ssl_change_cipher CLIENT
record: offset = 6, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2063 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 226 offset 11 length 14013770 bytes, remaining 43
dissect_ssl enter frame #79 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
dissect_ssl enter frame #81 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
dissect_ssl enter frame #82 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 3562
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 3557 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2063 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2063 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #84 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 229
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 224 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #85 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 524
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 524
dissect_ssl enter frame #86 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1048
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1048
dissect_ssl enter frame #87 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1379
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1379
dissect_ssl enter frame #89 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1562
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 1534 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
record: offset = 1539, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #91 (first time)
conversation = 05503E70, ssl_session = 05504148
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2063 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #96 (first time)
ssl_session_init: initializing ptr 05504D78 size 564
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
dissect_ssl server
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 116
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 111 ssl, state 0x00
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 1 offset 5 length 107 bytes, remaining 116
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found CLIENT RANDOM -> state 0x01
dissect_ssl enter frame #97 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 106
dissect_ssl3_record found version 0x0301 -> state 0x11
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 58 ssl, state 0x11
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 2 offset 5 length 54 bytes, remaining 63
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found SERVER RANDOM -> state 0x13
ssl_restore_session can't find stored session
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello found CIPHER 0x0004 -> state 0x17
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello trying to generate keys
ssl_generate_keyring_material not enough data to generate key (0x17 required 0x37 or 0x57)
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello can't generate keyring material
record: offset = 63, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
ssl_change_cipher SERVER
record: offset = 69, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 31 offset 74 length 947347 bytes, remaining 106
dissect_ssl enter frame #99 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
ssl_change_cipher CLIENT
record: offset = 6, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 127 offset 11 length 6273604 bytes, remaining 43
dissect_ssl enter frame #100 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
dissect_ssl enter frame #102 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
dissect_ssl enter frame #104 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 3605
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 3600 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #106 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 382
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 377 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #107 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 484
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 479 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #109 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 380
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 375 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #111 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 178
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 173 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #113 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2065 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #116 (first time)
conversation = 05504AA0, ssl_session = 05504D78
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #142 (first time)
ssl_session_init: initializing ptr 05506558 size 564
association_find: TCP port 2067 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
dissect_ssl server
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 116
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 111 ssl, state 0x00
association_find: TCP port 2067 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 1 offset 5 length 107 bytes, remaining 116
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found CLIENT RANDOM -> state 0x01
dissect_ssl enter frame #143 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 106
dissect_ssl3_record found version 0x0301 -> state 0x11
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 58 ssl, state 0x11
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 2 offset 5 length 54 bytes, remaining 63
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found SERVER RANDOM -> state 0x13
ssl_restore_session can't find stored session
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello found CIPHER 0x0004 -> state 0x17
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello trying to generate keys
ssl_generate_keyring_material not enough data to generate key (0x17 required 0x37 or 0x57)
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello can't generate keyring material
record: offset = 63, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
ssl_change_cipher SERVER
record: offset = 69, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 252 offset 74 length 15049992 bytes, remaining 106
dissect_ssl enter frame #145 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 2067 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
ssl_change_cipher CLIENT
record: offset = 6, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2067 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 204 offset 11 length 9798724 bytes, remaining 43
dissect_ssl enter frame #146 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
dissect_ssl enter frame #148 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
dissect_ssl enter frame #150 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 3572
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 3567 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2067 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2067 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #151 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 229
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 224 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #152 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 524
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 524
dissect_ssl enter frame #153 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1048
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1048
dissect_ssl enter frame #154 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1379
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1379
dissect_ssl enter frame #156 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1562
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 1534 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
record: offset = 1539, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #158 (first time)
conversation = 05506280, ssl_session = 05506558
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2067 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #163 (first time)
ssl_session_init: initializing ptr 05507188 size 564
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
dissect_ssl server
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 116
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 111 ssl, state 0x00
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 1 offset 5 length 107 bytes, remaining 116
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found CLIENT RANDOM -> state 0x01
dissect_ssl enter frame #164 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 106
dissect_ssl3_record found version 0x0301 -> state 0x11
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 58 ssl, state 0x11
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 2 offset 5 length 54 bytes, remaining 63
dissect_ssl3_hnd_hello_common found SERVER RANDOM -> state 0x13
ssl_restore_session can't find stored session
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello found CIPHER 0x0004 -> state 0x17
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello trying to generate keys
ssl_generate_keyring_material not enough data to generate key (0x17 required 0x37 or 0x57)
dissect_ssl3_hnd_srv_hello can't generate keyring material
record: offset = 63, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
ssl_change_cipher SERVER
record: offset = 69, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 116 offset 74 length 13080417 bytes, remaining 106
dissect_ssl enter frame #166 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 43
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 20
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
ssl_change_cipher CLIENT
record: offset = 6, reported_length_remaining = 37
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 22
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 32 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl3_handshake iteration 1 type 173 offset 11 length 353274 bytes, remaining 43
dissect_ssl enter frame #167 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 1440
dissect_ssl enter frame #169 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
need_desegmentation: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 2880
dissect_ssl enter frame #170 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 3615
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 3610 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #172 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 382
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 377 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #173 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 484
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 479 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #175 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 380
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 375 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #177 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 178
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 23
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 173 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
dissect_ssl enter frame #179 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 2069 found 00000000
packet_from_server: is from server - FALSE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using client decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
dissect_ssl enter frame #182 (first time)
conversation = 05506EB0, ssl_session = 05507188
record: offset = 0, reported_length_remaining = 23
dissect_ssl3_record: content_type 21
decrypt_ssl3_record: app_data len 18 ssl, state 0x17
association_find: TCP port 6004 found 061CEA10
packet_from_server: is from server - TRUE
decrypt_ssl3_record: using server decoder
decrypt_ssl3_record: no decoder available
Yes, wireshark supports certificates with a 2048 bit key, that is not the issue.