How it is possible to create a "Custom" column which refers to an arbitrary offset in UDP payload. For example, in "Filter definition" it is possible to reffer to the 1st byte in UDP payload as udp[8]. Such simple approach seems to be blocked in Packet Display Plain. What am I missing? asked 26 Oct '11, 07:18 exbungee edited 26 Oct '11, 07:37 |
2 Answers:
This is (currently) not possible with Wireshark, although you might be able to do this with the Lua scripting engine that is part of Wireshark. answered 08 Nov '11, 03:07 SYN-bit ♦♦ edited 08 Nov '11, 06:00 helloworld |
"use the Code, Luk"
answered 09 Nov ‘11, 18:06 ShomeaX edited 09 Nov ‘11, 18:08 Short and cool! Really thanks! Just for clarity: on my WS (Rel 1.7.xx) it creates the following stack Protocols in frame: eth:vlan:ip:udp:udp_dump:dns I expected “udp_dump” to be the last item on the stack. Any way to get rid of “dns”? (10 Nov ‘11, 02:16) exbungee |
Thanks. Is it possible to add an example. Please assume that the documented method to add LUA file is known.
is it still not possible?