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Wireshark on OS X Lion, not working


I have OS X Lion, up-to-date with patches, on a 32-bit Mac Pro. It installs fine, but does not launch.

Does anyone know what the problem is?


asked 27 Oct '11, 16:39

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accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Feb '12, 20:03

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cmaynard ♦♦
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(27 Oct '11, 16:58) multipleinte...

There is no such thing as "a 32-bit Mac Pro" - the Mac Pro was the last Mac to switch to Intel, and that happened after Apple switched from the 32-bit Intel Core processors to the 64-bit Intel Core 2 processors. (And, in any case, Lion doesn't support 32-bit processors, at least not without some hacking.)

Did you install the 32-bit Intel version of Wireshark, as built for and on Leopard? If so, what happens if you install the 64-bit Intel version?

(27 Oct '11, 18:29) Guy Harris ♦♦