Hello there I've setup Wireshark using 'apt-get install wireshark' and followed the setup-configuration for non-root user (see Wireshark doesn't see my interface). What I finally did, was following:
But after that i still cannot see any interface. What am I missing? edit: if it does matter i'm using linux mint 12 asked 14 Dec '11, 10:19 Dionysius edited 14 Dec '11, 10:56 multipleinte... |
4 Answers:
See the answer from a duplicate post. You don't need to manually add the "wireshark" group;
answered 16 Dec '11, 07:54 helloworld |
Improvement on https://ask.wireshark.org/answer_link/8012/ helloworld's answer So you dont have to restart gnome, use newgrp to switch groups
answered 21 Mar '16, 02:45 h4ck3rm1k3 |
Log out and log in again. Adding a currently logged in user to a group using answered 14 Dec '11, 10:55 multipleinte... did that already multiple times (and tested now again). I don't get interfaces without sudo :( to be sure everything i did is correct?!
(16 Dec '11, 07:33) Dionysius That was the issue for me, thanks! (30 Jul '15, 07:48) thewade |
dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common the right answer is no answered 09 Jan '16, 00:20 Michele Papp... |
Perfectly, that was the trick. I suggest to follow the linked post for more details.
I have tried the suggested four lines of code above. However at the same time i have "wireshark" group manually added without the "wireshark" user and the code did not work for me. After that i tried to remove the group "wireshark" with "sudo groupdel wireshark" command. Finally the code above is worked for me thank you very much. Best Regards.