I am looking for a version of Wireshark that will create a .ts MPEG video file from the UDP and PES packets for a multicast. The output from wireshark is a viewable video stream. Is that in the latest version or certain versions? I can't seem to find a version with it. Are there extensitons I am not getting? asked 30 Jan '12, 10:11 erictelcoguy edited 30 Jan '12, 11:11 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
One Answer:
As far as I know, if anybody's written code to do that, they haven't contributed it to Wireshark; there's no code to do that in any of the standard releases. answered 30 Jan '12, 11:10 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
I think there was someting like that back in the Ethereal days but the patch newer got accepted and the person making it newer came back with a fixed version. I think it was part of a university project. At some point it was available on the web - try google.