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How to use wireshark to analyze SS7 TUP package


I have a PCAP file for ss7 TUP protocol, BUT i can not decode correctly, it show "data" only, but the signal type show TUP and wireshark can decode the DTP/OPC. anyone knows how to decode correct TUP protocol using wireshark? many thanks. attachment is a sample for TUP signal

0000 84 00 00 00 09 09 09 61 00 11 18 00 30 11 04 .......a ....0..

asked 01 Feb '12, 01:00

ivandu1013's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


There is no TUP dissector in Wireshark and there is lots of national variants I beleve.

answered 01 Feb '12, 05:40

Anders's gravatar image

Anders ♦
accept rate: 17%