How can I read K18 traces in Wireshark? If I open a K18 rf5 file, Wireshark crashes! asked 08 Feb '12, 22:50 Debu edited 09 Feb '12, 07:44 multipleinte... |
2 Answers:
Use the latest Wireshark version 1.6.5. If that doesn't work file a full bug report at answered 09 Feb '12, 02:57 Jaap ♦ |
Try one of the automated builds with a version number of "SVN-53452" or later; somebody finally filed a bug for a failure to read a k18 capture, and attached a capture file that showed the problem, so it was finally possible for some reverse-engineering to be done to handle that file, at least. If that still doesn't handle it, file another bug, and attach the capture file, so that more reverse-engineering can be done. answered 20 Nov '13, 13:23 Guy Harris ♦♦ |