I'm having trouble installing the 1.6.5 Wireshark on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.7.3. The installer runs but very little is really done. No /Applications/Wireshark created, no /Library/Wireshark created. It did create the /Library/StartupItems/ChmodBPF and did create the BPF devices in /dev. The following are all the messages (note the errors) that appeared in the console during the install process (by double-clicking on the "Wireshark 1.6.5 Intel 64.pkg" file from the mounted "dmg" file that I downloaded):
Several things caught my eye: There are a few errors of note in the console log, even though the installer says the install succeeded. The errors that I noticed were: 3/11/12 6:23:35.118 PM authorizationhost: SFBuiltinEntitled: Installer.app is not entitled for system.install.apple-software 3/11/12 6:23:35.155 PM authorizationhost: SFBuiltinEntitled: Installer.app is not entitled for system.install.app-store-software 3/11/12 6:23:35.191 PM authorizationhost: SFBuiltinEntitled: Installer.app is not entitled for system.install.app-store-software 3/11/12 6:23:35.192 PM com.apple.SecurityServer: Failed to authorize right ‘system.install.app-store-software’ by client ‘/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/installd’ [1076] for authorization created by ‘/System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app’ [1065] Why is the app-store even involved in this process (Installer.app is not entitled for system.install.app-store-software), as I downloaded the disk image file directly from wireshark.org??? I’ve had no other problems installing software like this, but have to admit not many are the “pkg” style of installs. my looking around on this forum has not shown me anyone else having similar problems. I’ve even tried running the installer from the command line as “root” with no differences, ie it says it worked but nothing appears in the /Applications/Wireshark folder or the /Library/Wireshark folders. I even tried to create these folders before running the install and still no luck. One thing I did notice from the output of another “installer” command to get a little more info about the package (this doesn’t do anything other than look at some details of what is in the package and how it will get installed):
Notice that the “Must Authenticate” is set to “YES” for the “Wireshark” and “Set capture permissions at startup” and “Command line utilities” packages but not for the first “Wireshark 1.6.5 Intel 64” metapackage. I was asked to authenticate once at the start and assume that this one request is remembered for the 3 packages that need it, so not sure if this is pertinent. Also note that these same three components also have a “Warning” for the Status - I have no idea what that pertains to - any ideas? Any suggestions on how to get things installed and what problem these errors are really trying to point out? Thanks very much for your help… -Bob asked 11 Mar ‘12, 19:22 DeepYogurt edited 12 Mar ‘12, 00:24 grahamb ♦ |
2 Answers:
Hmm. A user had an installation problem with another non-Apple program, with those warnings, as per this forum post. Their problem was that the software kept asking for an activation key even though they entered it each time they tried running it. The problem may have been that they'd somehow lost their admin privileges (i.e., "admin" was no longer in their default group set), and they fixed the problem this way:
If your account is supposed to have administrative privileges, try going into System Preferences and seeing whether you still have them and, if not, try the above sequence (except with "Dragonframe" replaced by "Wireshark", obviously :-)). If your account isn't supposed to have administrative privileges, try installing Wireshark from an account with administrative privileges, and see whether that works. In either case, add a comment indicating whether that worked or not. answered 19 Jul '12, 20:51 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
Wait, I stand corrected, I didn't read it properly. 3/11/12 6:23:35.118 PM authorizationhost: SFBuiltinEntitled: Installer.app is not entitled for system.install.apple-software '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/installd' [1076] for authorization created by '/System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app' [1065] I have read a few articles on this after a few searches. Feel like I owe it to you for my knee-jerk response. There are two recurring suggestions, user accounts and permissions and security signing. Security signing makes sense as it could well be installer.app self checking to make sure it hasn't been tampered with (a potential way to circumvent a large amount of software protection I guess), but this error is borne of the installer, whether through wireshark (unlikely because as I said I've seen it before when installing Logic) or installer.app itself. I suggest repairing permissions, then removing your Admin rights, restarting then and reinstating them. answered 19 Jul '12, 21:03 GenZ |