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Decryption of Zigbee packets, works in Win32 version, not in Linux version


I am having difficulty decrypting Zigbee packets on my 1.6.5 installation on Gentoo Linux, installed from an ebuild. However, the same version installed on a win32 (WinXP) system auto decrypts and finds the key correctly (same .pcap file). I have tried manally entering the key into the Linux release and it still does not decrypt the encrypted packets. You can find the .pcap file at the following URL,

If someone has time, please download the .pcap file and see if it will decrypt on your Linux system, I can't get the packets to auto decrypt on my Win32 system. The .pcap file includes a packet with the key, so it auto decrypts the whole file. If you find any useful results, please let me know by reply post.

Thanks. Allan Drassal Washington State University

asked 16 Mar '12, 23:56

drasal's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Mar '12, 23:57

I am running the same version on Win32 and Linux (Gentoo) (ersion 1.6.5). I have the same settings for the Zigbee protocol preferences. At first, in the Linux version, I tried to enter the key in so many different ways, but never got it to work correctly. I eventually installed it on my Win32 workstation and it automatically decoded packets (from a fresh install, no changing any preferences). But, I did check and the Zigbee configuration is the same.

Has anyone else had troule decrypting Zigbee packets on the Linux build (version 1.6.5)?

(20 Mar '12, 21:44) drasal

2 Answers:


Are you running the same version of Wireshark on the Linux box and the Windows box?

Did you check the 802.15.4 and Zigbee protocol preferences on both boxes? Are they the same?

answered 19 Mar '12, 23:49

SYN-bit's gravatar image

SYN-bit ♦♦
accept rate: 20%


After focusing on 6LoWPAN and ZigBee networks, I found the Perytons Analyzer a much more flexible and friendly tool for me. They have a 30 days free evaluation download in their site and although they don't have a Linux version (only Windows), their tool saved me a lot of work and headaches in my designs. You may want to try it.

answered 20 Mar '12, 02:48

AviDrugi's gravatar image

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